20/11/2012 Ross Fairgrieve

James Bond, Champagne & Sexy People

James Bond Bollinger Champagne promotional online video

We all like to whinge about our jobs and I’m no different. Now, I’m very lucky in that I absolutely love video production and photography and, fortunately enough, people like what I do enough to give me money for it. But, now and again, when it’s 4:30am and I’m buried under a huge pile of editing, furiously trying to meet a deadline, something might just escape my mouth that does sound distinctly like a whinge.

But then there are the days that make you remember why you do what you do. When the guys from Generate UK asked me to film and produce an online promotional video, featuring the slow motion gyration of an attractive lady, Bollinger champagne and James Bond, there wasn’t a whinge to be heard. It’s a tough job but…

The budget for this was tight and the timescale, at less than a week from filming to final delivery, was even tighter. There was a lot of late-night green-screen compositing to get the video completed but it was all worth it; the client was chuffed!

Ross Fairgrieve is a freelance video producer, videographer, cameraman, video editor, and photographer based in Reading, Berkshire. His clients range from start-up charities to large corporate businesses across Berkshire, Oxfordshire, Hampshire, London and abroad. If you would like to enquire about his services, head over to the CONTACT page.


If you think that we could work together, it would be great to hear from you! Feel free to EMAIL ME DIRECTLY or get in touch using the contact form below.